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Anal Vibrators


Male human body has so many nerves at the prostate gland. This area is very rich in nervous receptors hence a good target for sexual stimulations. Anal vibrators accurately aim to stimulate the prostate for a stronger erection and a hotter sex. The vibration stimulates the prostate and results in a pleasurable feeling by itself as a foreplay toy. It can also be used as an anal play toy while intercourse. If you are not planning for a pregnancy, make sure to use protection. The prostate stimulation result in releasing sperms even before an ejaculation happens. If you have already suggested this to your active male partner and he refused, maybe he was too shy. It is a good idea to give him a second chance to think it over; it will definitely be worth the try. Anal vibrators come in different shapes, materials and colors. They also have different power source, vibration rhythms and various vibration programs.  If you have never tried one before, we suggest that you start small to see how it feels.